yes guys! i am bak from the FORM 1 LODGE SKUL ORIENTATION. i tink tatz wad it is...
anyway, itz a mentorin program...
for form 1
the prefects of form 4 n form 5
no teachers
jz prefects n we form 1s
i saw sall n winn's tone color.
seriously lyk..whole arm/hand is damn dark,
the shoulder dere nt dark.
i pity them lah..
but anywayz,
chatted wit sng n claire..
claire saw HOT guys from our skul
sng tried to impress galz wen he did the hurdling i tink...
den he was injured.
his teacher FORCED him to go home
n he did tat to impresss u all GURLZ....
anyway, let me tell u bout the form 1 orientation or forum...wadeva.. :P
listen up... :P
#1: we r divided into groups...n altogether the number of groups r 13 or 14.i am group 11.....n the leaders r Victor Tan(winn's bro) n Yana Suryani(she so kind, nice, funny, etc...) :)
#2: the activities altogether r 7.
a) ping-pong ball + flour blowin.. :)
b) build the tallest, stable buildin out of straws n rubberband.. :)
c) one blind fold, the other nt, obstacle course yo.. :)
d) solve the puzzle or quiz by movin only 3 sticks.. :)
e) go through the spider web... :)
f) pour water on the sponge, slide under table, turn 5 times, n go.
g) bring the water balloon bak to the bucket without usin ur limbs.. :)
#3: the winner of each activity will recieve a ribbon which will b counted after all events had stopped. :) sorri but i 4got which color, i onli noe Silver, red, etc...
#4: the winning group will receive a prize which is a basket full of sweets..the types of sweets r cola(i tink), den sumthin...den orange hitto sweet..i tink itz hitto...but i noe itz orange
o ya.....b4 those activities began...........we had an ice-breaking game...gues hw it is bein PLAYED........ we r divided into 4 groups n into 4 corners of the hall......... the 1st group is the Chinese, 2nd is Cowboys, 3rd is Red Indians and lastly our group the ORANG ULUs...:) it was so fun n crazee. :)